Special Education
Parent Resources
Marin County Office of Education
Dedication to Special Education
Matrix Parent Network & Resource Center
Procedural Safeguards (pdf) (PDF)
SELPA Local Plan (PDF)
For more information, please contact:
Philippa Rosenblatt
Director of Special Education
Carmen Spinella
Administrative Assistant
380 Nova Albion Way
San Rafael, CA 94903
The Miller Creek School District has an excellent special education program and instructional staff. We, as a district and as special educators, are committed to fostering practices and a school climate where individuality and diversity are respected and honored.
The Miller Creek School District works collaboratively with the Marin SELPA to provide a continuum of services to children with disabilities to enable their access to the general education curriculum in our schools to the degree appropriate for each individual student. Every student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) enrolled in a district school program receives special education services according to his or her IEP in either the general education setting, a special education setting, or a combination of the two. We have five special education teachers at our elementary sites working collaboratively with our Site staff. At our middle school we have four special education teachers offering a variety of specialized academic services to help students navigate the middle school environment. All schools have a school psychologist and speech and language pathologist on staff. We offer specialized academic instruction, speech and language services, occupational therapy services, counseling services, and other related services according to a student's IEP, at all four schools. We work in partnership with the Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) and other agencies which operate specialized programs and services for students with more significant or need for specialized supports.
Parents are welcome to participate in Marin SELPA Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), which is comprised of parents of individuals with disabilities, representatives of public agencies, representatives of the Marin SELPA and Marin County Office of Education (MCOE), and persons concerns with the needs of individuals with disabilities.

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