Specialist Teachers

It is a pleasure to introduce our Vallecito Can Do! specialists. These specialists work with your children every week and have created the personal videos and statements below so you can learn more about them and their teaching styles and philosophies.

Mr. James Newman, Art Teacher
James Newman is a Northern California-based artist who has exhibited his work in the Bay Area and the Southwest. His collection incorporates color, texture and broad brushstrokes, using abstract oils on canvas. James' artwork is highly influenced by his family. James has three children, ages 16, 14, and 9. He has always participated in their art classes, this includes volunteering, providing workshops, seminars and group projects. When his oldest son was young, James used to draw simple pictures upside down to demonstrate objects and ideas for him as they sat across the table from each other. This use of uninhibited perspective and playful philosophy, combined with an unintentional focus on the process, rather than the finished product, enabled James to explore his own unique creativity. James is very excited to bring his energy and abilities to the Vallecito Elementary School community.
Transitional Kindergarten-2nd Grade Music and Movement
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